Wednesday, March 9, 2011

what the world is coming to today

"what is the world coming to? are we being too loud?"
I like the idea our planet is finding a destination out in space
and our voices won't be holed up in a mute apartment
or folded in the trunk of a lincoln towncar
while we try to kick the taillights out.

"everyone else is whispering here, should we keep talking?"
yes, and we'll be in an opera's balcony for our inheritance:
a planet speed-delivered to almostthisplaceagaininayear,
but hopeful, because the earth has one life too.
Don't convince yourself that you are an unclaimed suitcase
on the baggage carousel, you'll be found
when a businessman is done buying a pretzel.

"if I walk too far in the wind, will it carry me off?"
yes, and good morning you entrepreneur of emotion,
all of you is orbiting right next to me!  something like
a merry-go-round and the flaking horses are worth the wait--
look there's my mom...blurrrrrrrrrr...and there she is again!
go bowling with your gold globe, because you know
these neighborhoods, these roads by heart.